About me

About Me

I am a psychoanalyst in training and former senior executive.

As a psychoanalyst (C.G. Jung) I am being trained at the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zürich (ISAPZURICH), the most prominent education in Jungian psychology in the world. I am in the last phase of the program and start to work with clients under the supervision of experienced analysts of ISAPZURICH.Before my immersion in Jungian, or depth, psychology, I had an international career in business. Originally trained as a lawyer, my interest in people and organizations brought me to the field of human resources management. In 1988 I started working for General Electric and over a 30-year period other large companies including Lafarge, Shell and Deloitte followed. In my roles I always tried to put people at the center, even when structure and proces were required for daily operations. I led several major transformation projects with a strong emphasis on the culture and mindset in the organization. More than half of my career was spent outside The Netherlands, living extended periods in France and The United States. After my last role as Chief Human Resources Officer with Deloitte in The Netherlands, I decided to follow my original interests and focus entirely on people.

After a one-year sabbatical I enrolled at ISAPZURICH. Having completed the propaedeuticum phase, I have opened my private practice for psychoanalysis, personal coaching and executive coaching in The Hague and Amsterdam. I retain a link with the world of business as an executive in residence at IMD, Lausanne.

I am a Dutch national, married and father of three children.  In my practice I work in Dutch, English and French.